Chancerygate appoints new Head of Development

Leading industrial developer and asset manager, Chancerygate, has promoted Alastair King to the position of Head of Development.

Alastair joined Chancerygate in 2007 and in his previous role as a Development Director has been closely involved in Chancerygate’s rapidly expanding development programme, and has personally delivered more than 20 schemes throughout the UK in recent years.

Chancerygate Managing Director, Richard Bains, commented: “Alastair has a unique understanding and experience of the type of development in which Chancerygate specialises.

“He is one of the longest standing and most experienced members of our development team, and I am thrilled that he has agreed to take on this role. His appointment puts in place a structure that will help us grow further and take advantage of the compelling environment for speculative industrial development across the UK.”

In 2017, Chancerygate invested more than £23m acquiring 10 sites across 50 acres to create an ongoing 1m sq ft development pipeline which has added to the company’s existing substantial land bank.

Alastair King commented: “Chancerygate has a 22-year track record of delivering successful multi-unit schemes for freehold sale or leasing. As well as continuing with our successful multi-unit schemes, we are now expanding into larger projects and widening our focus into the regions of the UK where speculative development has been lacking.

“We have an extremely strong development team both in London and Manchester and I am very excited to have the opportunity to lead them. We will continue to actively identify and deliver schemes that are aligned with the patterns of occupier demand across the country.”

Chancerygate was named Developer of the Year at the 2017 and 2015 Industrial Agents Society Awards.

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