Chancerygate appoints new project management director

Chancerygate has promoted Anthony Hynes to the post of Project Management Director.

He joined the team in 2013 from SEGRO, and has since been involved in several key projects for Chancerygate delivering a series of successful schemes in west London.

Chancerygate Managing Director, Eddie Cook, commented: “Tony’s experience of working with institutional funds has proved to be invaluable and he has been able to bring to our project management team a wealth of experience of construction in the industrial sector”.

Chancerygate currently has more than 2m sq ft of space under development or ready to be brought forward for development which will further increase during 2017 with pipeline deals. In the past year it has spent in excess of £40m acquiring 11 sites totalling some 40 acres capable of delivering in excess of 700,000 sq ft when fully developed, adding to the company’s existing substantial land bank.

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