Planning was submitted for a 97,000 sq ft scheme in 7 units and then further to a pre-let being agreed with Travis Perkins, the development strategy was revised to reposition the scheme for trade counter use as well as warehouse/industrial use. The pre-let of a Travis Perkins builders’ merchants and the speculative development of 4 trade counter units and 4 industrial and warehousing resulting in the scheme being 92% pre-let.
The site lay dormant for many years and as a result there were many ecological issues to overcome. Furthermore, the bowl-shaped topography of the site required 8,000 cubic metres of imported fill to create a level plateau. Chancerygate gained a competitive advantage by utilising fill from another one of our developments in Chelmsford.
East Place is prominently located on East Road off Edinburgh Way, the main out of town retail, trade counter and motor trade location within the town. Harlow is a new town located in Essex, 30 miles north of Central London. The main arterial route to the town is the A414 providing direct access to junction 7 of the M11.
Total size
27,855 sq ft
Development value
Building specifications
• 8.4m minimum clear height
• Fully fitted office space industrial and warehousing
• Shell and core specification to trade counter units
• 37.5 kN/sq m floor loading
• Generous yards with the ability to secure the rear units
• Generous car parking levels including electric vehicle charging points
• Unrestricted 24/7 hours of use