Refurbishment completes at Beeston Business Park

Chancerygate, together with Bridges Fund Management has completed the comprehensive refurbishment of Waterfront House on Beeston Business Park providing a total of 65,000 sq ft of fully refurbished office space.

The space, which can be broken down to accommodate smaller requirements from 15,000 sq ft upwards, includes an open plan area of some 45,000 sq ft which is currently the largest single floorplate of office space available in the East Midlands region.

Beeston Business Park is located 3 miles South West of Nottingham city centre and is easily accessible by car from Junction 25 of the M1. It is a short walk from Beeston town centre with the train station being situated on the site itself, providing a direct route into Nottingham City Centre and London St Pancras. The site offers excellent on-site car parking, lying outside of Nottingham’s Workplace Parking Levy area.

Rory Finnan, Head of Asset Management at Chancerygate commented:

“This is a significant milestone in the evolution of Beeston Business Park. The Nottingham market has been starved of the supply of office space of this kind for some time and this property offers a ready-made solution for occupiers with larger space requirements.

We are about to finish the demolition of the old buildings on 7 acres elsewhere on the park. This area has planning consent for 310 residential units and we will shortly be selecting a residential developer to deliver this scheme. Both elements will bring regeneration and employment opportunities to the local area.”

For further information on the availability within Waterfront House, please contact the joint letting agents, FHP Property Consultants on 0115 950 7577 or Innes England on 0116 925 3243.

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