Chancerygate granted revised planning approval for expanded phase two of £20m Mersey Reach industrial scheme in Aintree, Liverpool

Chancerygate has been granted planning permission for a revised phase two of its Mersey Reach warehousing and industrial development in Aintree, Liverpool following the success of the scheme’s first phase.

Originally, planning permission had been granted by Sefton Council to deliver 95,000 sq ft of industrial space as part of the phase two development.

The revised application to develop a second phase of the scheme was submitted in response to high market demand for industrial space in the region. Under the new approved plans, Chancerygate will reconfigure two previously approved units totalling 95,000 sq ft into 12 smaller units totalling 102,000 sq ft. The size of the units will range from 4,000 sq ft to 29,000 sq ft.

Chancerygate is currently nearing completion on first phase of its £20m Mersey Reach development. Located on Dunnings Bridge Road, phase one comprises four industrial units, two of which were pre-let to historic Bootle-based precision blade manufacturer Hardy UK and builders’ merchants Selco Builders Warehouse, earlier this year. Chancerygate has also sold a two-acre plot to Euro Garages for a new filling station.

Mike Walker, Chancerygate’s development director and head of the Warrington office, said: “We are pleased to have been granted planning permission to expand Mersey Reach having been delighted with the success of the scheme’s first phase.

“This permission allows us to redesign our plans for phase two to take advantage of the demand for urban logistics space in the North West. We are eager to begin speculative development of the scheme’s second phase in the first quarter of next year.”

CBRE and B8 Real Estate are joint agents for Mersey Reach.

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